When the proverbial pendulum starts to swing between Christians and Muslims, it threatens the Jews, who believe they are being victimized, and this creates a depression that starts the pendulum revolving. This brings in more and more people into the conflict. It takes a fourth element to stop its revolution, and that is the principles of Buddhism, which addresses prosperity.
Gautama Buddha was raised in a very wealthy family, protected from any sense of poverty. He wasn't allowed to even see the poor people of India. His father raised him to learn the principles of prosperity based on nobility, but one day he accidentally into contact with the poor, and he he could not justify the vast gulf between his life and that of the poor, and so he walked away from his life of extreme luxury and started on his journey to find a sense of balance between the extremes.
His life was similar to Moses's in having to find the middle point between vast wealth and extreme poverty. How Gautama Buddha reconciled it in his own mind was to realize that everyone has something to offer and also has needs, and there are others who need what you have and have what you need. Gautama could get what he needed by sharing his spiritual teachings with the wealthy, who had a place for him to sleep but were too busy in their lives to spend their limited free time on the search for enlightenment. These were win-win agreements, just as Jesus of Nazareth made when he traveled with the other disciples.
Win-win agreements build trust and set the stage for future agreements. Both sides function from their capacity, even if that capacity is to be able to offer a place to sleep and food to eat or sharing with others what you have learned.The two people find a sense of equality between two very unequal concepts. They create a sense of unlimited potential and abundance, and equality is the first requirement for conflict resolution. This is what leads to a sense of tolerance, which helps to stop the devolution of conflicts.
On the opposite side of the planning circle from Buddhism are Confucianism and Taoism, which address capacity and tolerance and empowerment.