Jesus is a "melchizedek," an order of priesthood that are like Navy Seals. They go into areas of conflict and work from inside to bring the conflicts to an end. During that lifetime, at first there was just Jesus, but then he had to bring in the other disciples. Each was responsible for bringing in their project level people and teaching them the same principles, and the the project level brought in the the support level, such as the wealthy people who offered them a place to live and food in exchange for spiritual guidance as they traveled, and gave them the funds for the projects.
Paul was not one of the original disciples. He became part of the movement after Jesus was betrayed and crucified. He was a wealthy man and was very religious, but relied on the old structure for his security and support. Their culture had many prophets, so hearing God speak was not unusual.
Being a prophet can be a position of Pride. When Jesus and the other disciples of the 12 pointed star came onto the scene, it threatened the security and support of the existing structure, and they went down into the power games, which include acts of revenge, which draws in five power games.
The resistance ends when everyone is able to get their financial support and to function on a higher level, which included building big cathedrals and tithing and paying alms to get people into heaven.
Why was this important? Paul's attack on Stephen reinforced the resistance against the movement. He thought he was justified to put Stephen down, but he lost his power base when he did so, probably because some of the others there saw the benefits of the new group taking care of the widows and children, and other projects.
To undo the damage he had done, Paul had to become part of the movement. He had to swallow his pride.
The plan for world peace is sitting on the Biblical Banquet Table, and mankind is made up of dogs who are waiting for the crumbs to fall so we can fight over them. As we let go of the power games, we climb onto the table and become part of the movement. We work to undo the damage we have done and by doing so, regain our power.
Now we can move forward into the season of Judaism, and the battles between Moses and the Pharoah, which led to the prophecy of the seven curses.
That is what I have been deal with for the last month--the curses that mankind is facing, and will face for some time to come.